Staff intranet

Records Management

Information about managing records.

There is a revised Council Retention and Disposal Schedule, which shows how long each type of record should be kept, based on legal and business requirements. The Schedule is a combination of Sovereign Councils Retention Schedules. It applies to all paper and electronic records held by both Cumberland Council and Westmorland and Furness Council. There is a quick user guide that explains how to use the Retention Schedule. 

Records should be confidentially destroyed when they have reached the end of their retention period – or some may be offered to Cumbria Archives Service (see Retention Schedule for which records they may take). You should keep a disposal log that lists which records you destroyed and when - a template is available here.

If you have any queries about how long to keep records or how to manage them, you should contact the Records Management Service. They can provide Records Management advice to all staff from both Unitary Authorities.

They have also produced guidance for all staff, which is available here:

There is also a Records Management Policy which covers both Councils.
