Most of the content on this intranet is made up of ex county council information due to the county intranet being turned off. Please read the blog to find out more about how we have developed this new intranet and where you can go to find information that relates to you.
Other time off work
Procedures for other time off such as disability leave, time off for studying, training, adverse weather or special events.
The provisions for time off are not intended to replace the need to use annual, flexi or unpaid leave (where these are available), but to lessen the burden on employees. All requests for time off will be considered carefully and sympathetically, taking into account the needs of the service. The provisions do not cover all eventualities, nor prescribe time off in a rigid way. They do aim, however, to promote a consistent and fair approach whilst dealing with each application on its own merits.
Time off in relation to sickness absence is distinct from other time off provisions. This document does include guidance on paid time off for hospital and medical screening appointments.
It is recognised that people can suffer distress from time to time in their personal lives. This guidance encompasses a mix of statutory and local provisions. It enables line managers to exercise compassion as a good employer and allow employees to take time off to deal with domestic incidents.
Approval to take time off is subject to the needs of the service, the reasons for the request, and working arrangements.
As with all absences, line managers will maintain records of occasions when time off is granted using the appropriate recording system.
Some provisions are statutory and some are at the discretion of the Line Manager. Requests for non-statutory time off for specific reasons may be with or without pay and this document aims to give guidance in dealing with such requests.
Due to operational demands it is not possible for every time off provision to apply in all settings.
Other time of off procedures
This includes:
- Flexi-time
- Family leave
- Foster care
- Carer break
- Religious holidays
- Personal medical or dental appointments
- Disability leave
- Jury service
For full details, read our time off guidance.
Study and training
Employees who have a minimum of 26 weeks' continuous service have the right to request time off for study or training and to have their request considered by their employer.
It is our policy to consider requests for time off for study or training from all employees, ie not only those who are eligible under the legislation above to submit such requests.
Right to request time off work for study or training procedure (PDF 246KB)
Adverse weather
In cases of extreme weather conditions or other exceptional circumstances outside anyone's control, employees may have difficulties in getting to their normal place of work.
In such circumstances the key principle is that employees and line managers should agree what arrangements are reasonable in the circumstances. Employees should make every effort to attend for work (including at an alternative workplace) and they should ensure that their line manager is kept fully informed of the situation, however it may be necessary for them to take time off. Working from home could be an option as well.
Adverse weather guidance (PDF 202KB)
Special events
We recognise that employees may wish to take time off from work at or around the time of major national or sporting events and that this may be very important to some individuals.
Special events guidance (PDF 213KB)
The new HR procedure sets out our obligations towards employees who are members of the Reserve Forces including leave, mobilisation and return to work arrangements.