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Risk Management
Information about risk management.
Risk Management Framework
From the Covid-19 pandemic to geopolitical turmoil; increased climate-related pressures, a continually dangerous cyber risk landscape and the uncertain economic outlook fuelled by high interest rates, inflationary pressures, high energy prices and the rising cost of living; complex, volatile and interconnected new risks are emerging at a more rapid pace than ever before, and organisations must respond quickly to immediate, fast-moving threats and challenges.
A robust Risk Management Framework is essential to embedding a mature risk management environment that supports the Council in meeting its stated objectives.
What is the Risk Management Framework?
The Risk Management Framework sets out how we will manage risk across the council. It is a set of practices and principles which staff and elected members are required to implement to help Cumberland Council deliver its vision.
Cumberland Council believes in the delivery of excellent, efficient and enterprising public services. By enabling positive outcomes for health and wellbeing, prosperity and the environment the Council aims to fulfil the potential of our people and our area. To achieve this, we must work to embed a positive, risk aware culture into decision making and our business processes, programmes and projects, in order to protect our resources and enable them to be focused on the achievement of these strategic objectives.
The Council’s risk management framework is in place to ensure managers feel empowered to manage risk through ambitious and innovative risk responses, which also take full advantage of working collaboratively both internally and with our key partners to deliver compassionate services that meet our corporate objectives.
The Risk Management Framework supports the consistent and robust management of risks and opportunities across the Council.
Principle 1: Governance and Leadership
Risk management is an essential part of governance and leadership, and fundamental to how the Council is directed, managed and controlled at all levels.
Principle 2: Integrated
Risk management is an integral part of all Council activities to support decision making in achieving objectives.
Principle 3: Collaborative and Informed
Risk management is collaborative and informed by the best available information and expertise.
Principle 4: Structured
Risk management processes will be structured to include risk identification and assessment, risk response, risk monitoring and risk reporting.
Principle 5: Continual Improvement
Risk management will be continually improved through learning and experience. A lessons learnt procedure for adverse risk events will be developed.
For further advice or assistance, or to provide direct feedback and suggestions for improvements, please contact Paul Fullelove (Acting Risk Manager) at A pdf version of the Risk Management Framework is available on SharePoint.
Risk Management Framework Resources
Risk Management Process Guide (SharePoint)
Risk Management Toolkit (SharePoint)
Risk Management Framework Summary Guide (SharePoint)
Cost Benefit Analysis (SharePoint)
Local Authority Key Stakeholders (SharePoint)
PESTLE Analysis (SharePoint)
Operational Level 5x5 Risk Matrix (SharePoint)
Strategic Level 5x5 Risk Matrix (SharePoint)
Risk Response Table (SharePoint)
Risk Identification and Action Form (SharePoint)
Operational Risk Register Template Guidance (SharePoint)
Operational Risk Register Template (SharePoint)
Significant Operational Risk Register Template Guidance (SharePoint)
Significant Operational Risk Register Template (SharePoint)
Summary Risk Profile (SharePoint)
Sample Operational Risk Register - Internal Audit and Risk Management (SharePoint)